Nudity and Censorship Online - Is Google The Awesome Big Brother?

Nudity and Online Censorship Problems:
Nudity and Censorship Online - Is the world of political correctness whirling uncontrollable? Special interest and conservative groups are always using pressure on lawmakers and companies to decrease the things we can do or say on the internet or in public. If we look at how censorship is being implemented, we'll eventually discover what the driving force is that will decide if something is decent or indecent. While all these businesses have establish guidelines it is the execution and interpretation of these guidelines which will raise a few eyebrows. This article will take a short look at what constitutes an unacceptable image or video on the internet and why.
Nudity and Censorship Online
The problem of Nudity and Censorship Online
Is the human body truly pornographic? Why is violence okay while nudity is evil? Why are nudism and sex lumped together?
Well, to answer this question we need to first take a long hard look at how porn is advertised on the web. We all know the technique of using specific content and keywords to bring visitors to sites. Consequently, words like nude, nudism and nudists are used by webmasters to sell and market hard-core pornography. If you do a web search using these words, you will quickly run into a slew of XXX rated websites. Many pornographic websites, while not about nudism, will still most likely be on the first or second page of search results. Webmasters have been using the terms to bring potential interested parties and as such, have played a important part in tarnishing the reputation and significance of what nudism is.
The web continues to be like the wild west when it comes to quality control. Much of the censorship that happens is unusual and arbitrary in nature. This inconsistency in implementing the censorship guidelines can drive many people and organizations crazy!
Let us take a look at Facebook. The manner that Facebook censors nudity for is peculiar to say the least. Images of mothers breastfeeding their babies are not allowed if nipples are showing (even partially). Male nipples are regarded as okay, but a female nipple are cause for alarm. The dividing line between what exactly is considered acceptable and what is pornographic isn't clear. Oddly enough, gore and violence are perceived as acceptable and benign.
Youtube is another amazing example. While Youtube maintains to let artistic nudity, they normally will censor or delist videos of nude body painting and performance art that depicts nudity. While artwork and beauty might be debatable, there's no doubt that body painting and dancing are okay and recognized art forms.
The internet is much the same to the early days of television in the USA. TV firms were very much aware of the risks of using anything risque. They were scared of upsetting the patrons. Why are some innocent things baneful while other, graphic and disturbing content is okay? In one word - Money! When it boils down to it, money plays a huge part in why the net prohibitions pictures and videos that most will think are ok.
The web, which is largely American controlled, hasn't actually moved on from this limited gain driven mindset. Internet companies make money from advertisers. For too long, this continuous fear of losing cash has hammered into people's minds that nudity is equally as poor as pornography, and yet it's yet another reason why folks can not appear to distinguish between simple nudity and pornography. Had this not been the case, we'd be seeing much more depictions of the naked body on mainstream websites and in the media in general.
The Google Empire is fast becoming the most powerful fiscal thing in the world. As they're so massive, they refuse to take the time to evaluate particular examples. Merely since they are doing something that many might consider immoral, so long as the advertisers are happy, odds are that nothing will change.
At the end of the day, it's common sense which tells us what is artistic or non-sexual nudity. While most will agree an image of a breastfeeding mom is not sexual, Facebook is not going to alter its policy as long as people are using their products and advertisers are spending cash. If Google and other on-line moguls feel an image or a video might slightly, maybe, somehow offend a patron, that is reason enough for them to ban it.
Those are some of the dilemmas why nudism is confronting so many censorship difficulties. As things seem today, the issue of and censorship will sadly be here for awhile.
This article about Nudity and Censorship Online was published by - Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK

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Tags: breastfeeding, censorship, porn
Category: Nude Censorship and Censoring Of On-Line Nudity, Social Activism
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and co-founder of Nudist Portal.

Posted January 4, 2017 23:02


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