initial goals, she readily acknowledges, was not to do the run, but to get the T-shirt. Upon

Finding the group was really going to do the run, she became "a little
apprehensive," and ''voyeuristic." Nevertheless, her curiosity prevailed, and she soon found
herself in the limits of the fkk resort. When asked to describe some of her feelings
about seeing the resort, she answered as such,
My first reaction was dread. I was really surprised how nervous and
anxious I felt about being there. I felt physically ill in addition to embarrassed. And I was
concerned how I'd react to seeing someone openly bare. I was concerned that the
nudists would see me as an intruder, a curiosity seeker, and wouldn't appreciate me being
there. But once I was in the resort, I located the nudists to be friendly and the feeling of
the resort to be quite casual and welcoming. Almost instantly I felt at ease. My
Encounter at the resort turned out to be surprisingly agreeable. I located the nudists
welcoming and accepting. No one attempted to push me into becoming a nudist and no one
made me feel uneasy about being clothed. Nudists would grin and say hello, but
no one attempted to recruit me into that lifestyle. All of it felt really natural. And in a way, I envy
the nudists the ability to bathroom in the sun in the 'all natural' and not feel inhibited or embarrassed.
Prior to visiting the resort, my issue never really gave much thought to social
nudism. Nevertheless, as an open minded person, she considers that social nudism isn' click , but a personal selection. Since visiting the resort my theme promises her
Private viewpoints on social nudism have not transformed. She believes that social nudism should
be enabled, but in limited places, away from the general public. She also believes that the
social fkk, must be a ''little anti-establishment," because this lifestyle goes against the
mainstream view, though she added, "But being a bit anti-organization isn't necessarily a
Poor thing."
When asked to describe what she learned from the experience she replies, "I cannot
say I learned a lot, but what I did learn has remained with me. I learned that nudists are the
same as everyone else but they choose to go without clothing. I found that there were more
male nudists which makes me consider that guys are less inhibited than women. And I learned

that nudists come in all shapes and sizes and economic levels. And expertise affirmed my
belief that nudism isn't a sexual culture, but a natural one. " 2

Interview #3

My third topic, instead of being personally interviewed, favored to write about
his experience at a naturist resort.
"My name is John K. I was first introduced to the notion of Nudism well over a
year past by Joyce Casto. I am going to admit that I was not quite well-informed and unprepared to
embrace or just discuss the issue of social nudism. After Joyce offered an invitation to
visit a local nudist resort called Lake Como, I started to feel a sense of expectation and
excitement build within, as the " Day to go Naked" day grew nearer.
About myself, I'm a 56 year old white male, raised Catholic, but still rebellious
enough to investigate the spices of life God had created for us on this good earth. It was in my
first year of school that I and some of my fraternity brothers tried to enter a local
Fkk resort. Needless to say, we were refused access and couldn't even sneak a peek into
what we considered a taboo culture of beautiful, young nude females, prancing around
like nymphs in God' s well protected and safe Garden of Eden. We as young men were
Letting our raging hormones to guide us and justify our actions, rather than our brains!
So, in May, 2001, over 36 years after, I stood at the entry of Lake Como Resort
with the delight and expectation that my destiny would be fulfilled. I would start to

feel a wave of immaturity, well up inside for me, as I took pride in the feeling of my assignment
finally being carried through. I literally had very little notion of what social nudism was
really around as I crossed the threshold into this theater of nakedness. The first lesson I
learned was that I 'd to be comfortable with my own body. I first observed a sign posted
which read, clothes optional, but nudity is supported. That provided a comfortable sign
for me to lose my top, but to leave my short pants and topsiders on. After gazing around a bit
at all the unclothed people, I came to the realization that much person idea goes into
feeling comfy with the bodies that God has blessed us with. Saying yes to being
naked and unashamed," isn't for the feeble, but for the strong of mind and spirit.
As we made our way through the seemingly herd of human anatomy, started to feel

more comfortable with my presence and approval of each and every female and male
body. At this time, I am going to confess that I'd presumed that I'd objectify the female
Citizenry and discount the males in attendance for concern that I would be viewed as odd or

Posted December 26, 2016 23:04


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